lsf LSF - French Sign Language


jour mois saison (word list)lupa

Author: rivbene
Status: public
  1. aoûtsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  2. après-midisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  3. automnesee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  4. avrilsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  5. décembresee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  6. dimanchesee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  7. étésee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  8. févriersee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  9. hiversee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  10. janviersee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  11. jeudisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  12. juilletsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  13. juinsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  14. lundisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  15. maisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  16. mardisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  17. marssee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  18. mercredisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  19. matinsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  20. midisee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  21. minuitsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  22. minutesee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  23. moissee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  24. novembresee more detailsAdd to my word basket
  25. nuitsee more detailsAdd to my word basket
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